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GMAT Exam Preparation Course

We at the Graduate Management Admission Council firmly believe that the test-taking skills you can develop by taking this workshop - and the Verbal and Quantitative guides, if you want additional practice---are all you need to perform your best when you take the GMAT test. By answering questions that have appeared on the GMAT test before, you will gain experience with the types of questions you may see on the test when you take it. As you practice with the guide, you will develop confidence in your ability to reason through the test questions. No additional techniques or strategies are needed to do well on the standardized test if you develop a practical familiarity with the abilities it requires. Simply by practicing and understanding the concepts that are assessed on the test, you will learn what you need to know to answer the questions correctly.
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These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.