Online Registration

Mystery Trip

Dates:March 26, 2025
Meets:W from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Cost: $148.00

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Please note: this course requires membership in 2024-2025 Annual Membership OLLI

Mystery Trip

Date: Wednesday March 26
Time: TBA
Place: TBA
Cost: $148 Limit: 10 RSVP: February 15

Shhhhhh…it’s a secret! As Winter comes to a close and Spring is bustin’ out all over, join Good News Travels for a mystery trip that includes numerous stops sure to delight and surprise. GNT always plans mystery trips that include something new and different, and this trip will not disappoint! Price includes round trip transportation aboard a deluxe motor coach, one meal, a snack, entertainment and surprises, and all group tax and gratuity. Register no later than February 15. You will then be informed where and when to meet to depart for the trip.

Fee: $148.00


Pete Kikta

Karen Noble