Online Registration

Preserving Memories: From Curating to Converting to Sharing

Dates:March 11-25, 2025
Meets:Tu from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Location:ISU, Federal Hall 302
Cost: $20.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Please note: this course requires membership in 2024-2025 Annual Membership OLLI

Preserving Memories
From Curating to Converting to Sharing

With Drs. Bruce & Connie McLaren

Date: Tuesdays, March 11, 18 & 25
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Place: ISU Federal Hall
Room 302
Cost: $20 Limit: 40

Creating a photo book to commemorate a vacation, wedding, anniversary, or special event becomes effortless in this class designed to preserve memories. Utilizing online tools from Shutterfly and other platforms, participants will learn to upload digital pictures and assemble them into an attractive format for printing. On the first day, the instructors will create a photo book with input from the class, which will be printed. The class will review the book at the second session, two weeks later. Participants can build their own memory book at home (computer or tablet preferred) to submit to Shutterfly. An optional session may be offered for those needing to digitize photo prints, with scheduling arranged with Bruce, who can scan photographs. This extra session will not take place in the regular classroom.

Fee: $20.00

ISU, Federal Hall 302

7th & Cherry St
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Pete Kikta

Bruce McLaren

Date Day Time Location
03/11/2025Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ISU, Federal Hall 302
03/18/2025Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ISU, Federal Hall 302
03/25/2025Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ISU, Federal Hall 302