Online Registration

The Empowered Consumer: Finding Your Purchasing Superpower

Dates:October 10 - November 14, 2024
Meets:Th from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Cost: $60.00

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Please note: this course requires membership in 2024-2025 Annual Membership OLLI

The Empowered Consumer: Finding Your Purchasing Superpower
With Susan Loyd, MA

Date: October 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Navigating the online marketplace can be challenging. Whether dealing with a small business on Main Street or a giant firm on Madison Avenue, it is difficult to know who to trust or how to discern a true bargain from a real rip-off. How does one sort fact from fiction and take control of their purchasing power? How can the consumer protect themselves from being duped out of money or having their identity stolen by hackers? This course will cover critical aspects of being a transactional and a relational shopper, discuss factors that can affect good buying decisions, and will offer a variety of resources to enhance the ability to make safe, sharp, and savvy purchasing decisions with sellers who can be trusted. These six enlightening sessions will help students become a Capable Consumer and change how they respond to social media messages and approach online shopping experiences for products and both big and small.

About Susan Loyd, MA
Susan Adams Loyd is chief executive officer of the Better Business Bureau serving Minnesota & North Dakota. Loyd is regarded as an expert in ethical business practices, customer service strategies, and consumer protection. She is passionate about educating buyers to be astute in their purchasing decisions and particularly in protecting themselves from fraud and deception. Loyd is also a frequent contributor to the media and panel discussions on factors that make certain consumers more at-risk, and in her series The Capable Consumer, she teaches empowering techniques and practical tips to safeguard one’s identity and financial assets and to bolster acumen in knowing who to trust, especially in the online world.

Fee: $60.00


Pete Kikta

Date Day Time Location
10/10/2024Thursday3 PM to 4:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/17/2024Thursday3 PM to 4:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/24/2024Thursday3 PM to 4:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/31/2024Thursday3 PM to 4:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
11/07/2024Thursday3 PM to 4:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
11/14/2024Thursday3 PM to 4:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE