Online Registration

Topics in Education in South Korea

Dates:May 12-22, 2025
Meets:M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa and Su from 12 M to 12:00 AM
Location:South Korea
Cost: $4,220.00 (deposit option available)

There are still openings remaining at this time.


It will be a short-term course-based trip to South Korea. The course title is ELED 495 Topics in Education in South Korea. From May 12 to 22, 2025, it will be 11 days. Two BCOE faculty members and ten undergraduate students will travel together. We expect that participants will obtain the new knowledge and experience through various site visits such as the historic places in Incheon and Seoul, South Korea.
Fee: $4,220.00

Deposit Option: pay $0.00 now with the remaining $4220.00 due before May 12, 2025

South Korea

Yong Park

Date Day Time Location
05/12/2025Monday12M to 12M South Korea
05/13/2025Tuesday12M to 12M South Korea
05/14/2025Wednesday12M to 12M South Korea
05/15/2025Thursday12M to 12M South Korea
05/16/2025Friday12M to 12M South Korea
05/17/2025Saturday12M to 12M South Korea
05/18/2025Sunday12M to 12M South Korea
05/19/2025Monday12M to 12M South Korea
05/20/2025Tuesday12M to 12M South Korea
05/21/2025Wednesday12M to 12M South Korea
05/22/2025Thursday12M to 12M South Korea