Online Registration

The 1970s

Dates:April 4, 2024
Meets:Th from 10:00 AM to 11:50 AM
Location:ISU Cunningham Memorial Library 028
Cost: $5.00

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The 1970s
Presented by Dr. Donald Maxwell

Date: Thursday, April 4
Time: 10:00—11:50 a.m.
Place: ISU Cunningham Memorial Library Room 028
Cost: $5

The 1970s in the United States were a success in many ways. U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War ended, relations with China improved to create an important trading partnership, diplomacy reduced the threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union, the first Earth Day brought environmentalism into the general public’s consciousness, and women and tens of millions of minority Americans and persons with disabilities gained greater political rights.

In other ways, the 1970s were a political disaster: Richard Nixon and the Watergate crisis, the weak presidencies of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, energy shortages, and the Iran hostage crisis prompted Americans to put Ronald Reagan in the White House in an attempt to provide a new form of leadership to the nation.

In addition to providing a broad overview of the decade, Professor Maxwell will talk about what it is like to teach a college-level class about events that occurred in his lifetime and how today’s college students react to those events.

Fee: $5.00

ISU Cunningham Memorial Library 028

Pete Kikta