Online Registration

Peace Leadership: Peacebuilding from the Ground Up

Dates:October 1 - November 5, 2024
Meets:Tu from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Cost: $60.00

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Please note: this course requires membership in 2024-2025 Annual Membership OLLI

Peace Leadership: Peacebuilding from the Ground Up
With Aleen Bayard, PhD

Date: October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, November 5
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Explore the peacebuilding stories behind the headlines. Within the broad field of peacebuilding, the scales are decidedly tipped to study the phenomena around conflict resolution, transitional justice, and third-party interventions. While these areas represent legitimate efforts to negotiate treaties and monitor compliance, history has shown the Sisyphean nature of these approaches in terms of securing sustainable peace. What has drawn far less attention are the valiant and courageous efforts of peace builders on the ground who are working in unimaginable circumstances, and in many cases in partnership or cooperation with sworn enemies. This course will examine the elements of a construct known as “positive peace” through the lens of peace activists working on the ground. This six-week program will include a mix of background reading, video, faculty presentations, and small-group interaction.

About Aleen Bayard, PhD
Aleen Bayard, PhD is an adjunct faculty member at Northwestern University, teaching courses in leadership and change management for the School of Professional Studies and Kellogg’s Center for Nonprofit Management. Bayard holds degrees from Stanford University, Columbia University, Northwestern University, and she earned her doctorate from the Center in Values Driven Leadership at Benedictine University where she studied peacebuilding. Bayard also works with as a consultant developing programs on leadership, culture, employee engagement, and team performance.

Fee: $60.00


Pete Kikta

Date Day Time Location
10/01/2024Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/08/2024Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/15/2024Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/22/2024Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
10/29/2024Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE
11/05/2024Tuesday1 PM to 2:30 PM ONLINE ONLINE